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Maritime Mobile VHF Channels

Maritime Mobile VHF Channel usage from 1 October 2016


 Channel Use Channel Use
MM01 General maritime repeater MM2019

(or MM19)

Now Casting Weather information
MM02 General maritime repeater MM2020

(or MM20)

Now Casting Weather information
MM03 General maritime repeater MM2079

(or MM79)

Now Casting Weather information
MM04 General maritime repeater MM60 General maritime repeater
MM05 General maritime repeater MM61 General maritime repeater
MM06 Intership MM62 General maritime repeater
MM07 General maritime repeater MM63 General maritime repeater
MM08 Intership MM64 General maritime repeater
MM09 Port Operations MM65 General maritime repeater
MM10 Port Operations MM66 General maritime repeater
MM11 Port Operations MM67 Maritime Radio working channel
MM12 Port Operations MM68 Maritime Radio working channel
MM13 Intership Navigation MM69 Maritime Radio working channel
MM14 Port Operations MM71 Maritime Radio working channel
MM15 Diving operations MM73 Marina operations
MM16 Safety, Distress and Calling MM74 Coast / Ship use
MM17 Watersports events MM77 Watersports events
MM18                          General maritime repeater

Tauranga marine radio frequencies

Boat to boat Ch. 06 and Ch. 08
International distress and calling frequency Ch. 16
Maketū Coastguard Ch. 01
Port of Tauranga Radio Ch. 12
Tauranga Bridge Marina Ch. 73
Tauranga Coastguard Ch. 01 (24 hours)
Ch. 19 and Ch. 79 (24 hour weather channel)
Waihī Beach Ch. 07

Rotorua marine radio frequencies

Rotorua Lakes Ch. 02 (24 hours)

Working frequencies are 06, 08 and 64. Please use these vessel to vessel. Visitors to the area are welcome to use these services.

Whakatāne marine radio frequencies

Whakatāne Ch. 18 / Ch. 60
Ōpōtiki Ch. 18
Waihau Bay Ch. 65

How to make a Voyage or Trip Report

Often called a TR, here is how to log a Trip Report with your local coastguard using VHF Radio.

Listen to the station for approx. 10 seconds, check there is no-one else using the frequency.

  1. Make a Call using the VHF Channel of your local Coastguard station.
  2. “Tauranga Coastguard, Tauranga Coastguard, Tauranga Coastguard, this is YOUR VESSEL NAME AND CALL SIGN for a Trip Report. Over.”
  3. Wait for Coastguard station to acknowledge you.
  4. “We are departing YOUR CURRENT LOCATION.”
  5. “We are heading to YOUR DESTINATION and our ETA is TIME YOU EXPECT TO ARRIVE.”
  6. “We have NUMBER OF PEOPLE ONBOARD (i.e. 2 adults and 2 children). Over.”
  7. Wait for confirmation from Coastguard station that they have received your detail.
  8. “Thank you Coastguard Radio, this is YOUR VESSEL NAME. Out/Clear.”

Remember to cancel your TR when you have arrived safely.

Note: Failing to close a TR will NOT initiate a search. If you need assistance you must call for help.

How to make a radio distress call

Use only if you are in imminent danger and need immediate help!

Activate distress beacon if carried. Make sure everyone is wearing lifejackets. Switch radio to full power.

  1. VHF Ch 16 (or SSB 2182, 4125, 6215, 8291).
  4. Call sign of OF THE VESSEL (ONCE).
  6. Vessel’s latitude and longitude, or bearing and distance from known landmark.
  7. Nature of distress and assistance required.
  8. Any other information eg. number of persons on board, description of vessel, liferaft or dinghy carried.
  9. OVER.
  10. Allow a short time for a reply. If no reply, repeat the distress call, working through all the distress frequencies on the radio. If contact is made with a shore station, tell them if you have activated your distress beacon and follow their instructions.
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