One of our members has the following radio for sale and believe me this will be as mint condition as they come! Check out the specs on this radio, I use these myself and they are brilliant radio’s! in fact they are that good I have two! A LOT OF […]

If you like The KiwiAsylum, be sure to also visit our sister site Blowonthepie here! Blow on the Pie has even more of your favourite codes, software, frequencies updates and more and bonus is a Forum to post and ask questions to things you are looking for or would […]
Blow on the pie
BlowonthePie Is getting updated and has a lot of nz frequencies for the scanner fraternity, go check them out and there’s even a forum to help you get through these tough Lockdown times….
Looking for a digital repeater in your area, this may help.

DMR REPEATERS DMR ID Callsign City State/Prov Country Frequency Color Offset Timeslot Trustee Network 530100 ZL1CCT Hamilton North Island 1 New Zealand 145.35000 12 -0.600 None ZL1HN Hamilton 530101 ZL1UX Hamilton North Island 1 New Zealand 439.72500 1 -5.000 TS1 TS2 ZL1THG ZL-TRBO Hamilton 530102 ZL1DMR AREC STSP North Island […]
Emergency Liaison Channel

RFUANZ Emergency Liaison Channel (MSNX47) A nation-wide channel to facilitate communications in emergency operations The RFUANZ has established a nation-wide VHF simplex channel that is available to members and others to programme into existing radios to facilitate communications between parties involved in an emergency operation. Details of the service are; […]
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